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You Know Free Practice Trading Account,Trading Forex A currency trade is the simultaneous buying of one currency and selling of another one. The currency combination used in the trade is called a cross (for example, the euro/US dollar, or the GB pound/Japanese yen.). The most commonly traded currencies are the so-called "majors" – EURUSD, USDJPY, USDCHF and GBPUSD.

Online Khmer Legacy to Unicode font Converter

Having trouble getting a Khmer legacy to Unicode converter to work on your computer? Now there is an online solution that will convert Limon and ABC Khmer fonts to Khmer Unicod...

How to create Menu and Sub menu, How to use Recursion Function in Codeigniter recursive function


How to ensure you get Facebook notifications when someone comments on your site

Disclaimer: How ironic is it that this post about how to ensure that you actually get Facebook notifications when someone comments on your site has amassed many comments from people saying that the method did not work for them, and I never noticed because I was not getting notification of comments. :/ I do not know when, but at some point...

Cache Your Zend Framework Config to Improve Performance, zend cache configuration

Caching in Zend Framework is operated by frontends while cache records are stored through backend adapters (File, Sqlite, Memcache...) through a flexible system of IDs and tags. Using those, it is easy to delete specific types of records afterwards (for example: "delete all cache records marked with a given tag"...

Multi Select List Add/Remove Item issue in jquery

Jquery code is as follow:   $('#addPop').click(function () { if ($('#distriList option:selected').val() != null) { var tempSelect = $('#distriList option:selected').val(); $('#distriList option:selected').remove().appendTo('#selectDistriList'); $("#distriList").attr('selectedIndex', '-1').find("option:selected").removeAttr("selected"); ...

Enable Search References for Better Blogger SEO

Enable Search References for Better Blogger SEO Blogger (Blogspot) upgraded their SEO features, and one of them allows you enable search references for better SEO effect on your blo...

Integrate Zend framework library in codeigniter, Including Zend Library within Codeigniter

Today I will show you how to Integrate Zend framework library in Codeigniter. First you need to download Zend libraries (Zend Framework 1.12.3 Minimal) from their official site. Then copy the library folder to “Application/Libraries/” fold...

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